Should You Use Employee Skills Assessments?

Should You Use Employee Skills Assessments?

Employee skills assessments are evaluations conducted to gauge an individual’s proficiency in various job-related competencies. In today’s dynamic business landscape, they serve as crucial tools for identifying strengths, weaknesses, and training needs, enabling organizations to optimize workforce performance and adapt to evolving demands.

Businesses should use employee skill assessments to tailor training, reduce biases, and enhance engagement. Assessing specific metrics like technical skills, communication, and adaptability helps keep the hiring process objective and holistic.

The Pros for Employers

Employee skills assessments offer numerous benefits in recruitment and talent management. They provide objective insights into employees’ capabilities and areas for improvement. Your organization can implement them as part of its IT strategy services for decisions that add to its success and competitiveness.

Enhancing Hiring Processes

Skills assessments provide a structured approach to evaluating candidates’ competencies, enabling recruiters to match candidates’ skills with job requirements accurately. This leads to more successful hires who are better equipped to perform their roles effectively from the outset.

Being able to identify suitable candidates also reduces hiring biases. Objective evaluation criteria in skills assessments help minimize unconscious biases in the hiring process. 

By focusing on measurable skills and abilities, your organizations ensure fair and equitable treatment of all candidates. This promotes greater diversity and inclusion in your workforce while acquiring talent that furthers your business goals.

Tailoring Training and Development Programs

Everyone needs help with improving from time to time. In fact, 87% of companies across the globe believe they already have a skills gap or will have one in the future.

Skills assessments provide insights into employees’ strengths and weaknesses, identifying specific areas where additional training or development is needed. This targeted approach ensures that training resources are allocated efficiently, maximizing their impact on individual and organizational performance.

They also allow your organization to design training programs tailored that address employees’ specific skill gaps. You can enhance the relevance and effectiveness of their development initiatives by aligning training content with your identified needs.  This helps foster continuous learning and skill enhancement among employees.

Facilitating Succession Planning

Skills assessments help identify employees with leadership potential based on their demonstrated competencies and capabilities. By systematically evaluating employees’ skills and performance, organizations can identify and nurture future leaders. This ensures a smooth transition of leadership roles and maintains organizational continuity.

They also provide valuable insights into employees’ strengths and development areas. This enables your organization to map out clear career paths and succession plans based on individuals’ assessed skills and aspirations. Companies with strong learning cultures increase employee retention by 30-50%, making learning an important tool for your organization.

The Pros for Employees

Employee skills assessments offer numerous advantages for employees as well as employers. These include: 

  • Identifying strengths and weaknesses 
  • Enhancing job satisfaction and engagement 
  • Improving communication and collaboration 
  • Providing objective performance evaluation 


By investing in skills assessments, your organization can develop its workforce, foster a culture of continuous learning, and drive overall performance and productivity.

Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

Employees also benefit from understanding their strengths and weaknesses. With employee skill assessments, they can focus on areas for improvement and leverage their strengths to excel in their roles.

Enhancing Job Satisfaction and Engagement

Employee job satisfaction and overall engagement increase when they feel that their skills and contributions are recognized and valued. Skills assessments provide opportunities for employees to showcase their capabilities and receive acknowledgment for their expertise. Additionally, employees who participate in skill-building activities often feel more invested in their professional growth and development. This leads to increased job satisfaction.

Improving Communication and Collaboration

By assessing employees’ skills, your organizations can identify areas where additional training or support is needed to improve communication and collaboration within teams. When employees have a clear understanding of each other’s skills and strengths, they can better:

  • Leverage collective expertise 
  • Delegate tasks effectively 
  • Collaborate more efficiently on projects 


This fosters a positive work environment built on mutual respect and teamwork.

Providing Objective Performance and Evaluation

Skills assessments provide a standardized method for evaluating employee performance based on measurable criteria. Objective assessment criteria help mitigate biases in performance evaluations, ensuring fairness and consistency across the organization. 

Employees benefit from receiving constructive feedback based on their demonstrated skills and competencies. This allows them to track their progress over time and set realistic goals for improvement.

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Possible Cons of Using Employee Skills Assessments

Employee skills assessments can have drawbacks that your organization should consider before implementing them. While they can offer valuable insights for talent management and development, carefully consider these potential drawbacks. Mitigating these challenges requires a balanced approach that acknowledges their limitations while leveraging their benefits.

Potential for Overemphasizing Skills

Focusing solely on assessed skills may overlook other valuable traits such as: 

  • Creativity 
  • Adaptability 
  • Emotional intelligence 


Employees possess a wide range of abilities that contribute to their effectiveness in the workplace. Assessments that narrowly focus on technical skills may fail to capture these nuances.

There’s a risk of pigeonholing employees into specific roles based solely on their assessed skills. This can limit their career growth and development opportunities. It can also hinder organizational flexibility to leverage employees’ diverse talents.

Resource Intensiveness

Conducting skills assessments requires significant time and effort from both employees and managers. This can disrupt regular workflow and productivity, particularly in fast-paced environments where time is a precious commodity.

Implementing assessment tools and analyzing results incurs financial costs, including the:

  • Purchase or development of assessment tools 
  • Training for administrators 
  • Hiring external consultants if necessary 


These costs can be prohibitive for smaller organizations or those operating on tight budgets.

Employee Perception and Engagement

Employees may perceive assessments as punitive rather than developmental, leading to demotivation or resentment. They may feel pressured and stressed if assessments are tied to performance evaluations or rewards. This can negatively impact employee morale and engagement. 

If employees feel that their skills are undervalued or misunderstood based on assessment results, it can lead to decreased job satisfaction and motivation. This can ultimately result in higher turnover rates and difficulty retaining top talent.

There can be downsides to employee skill assessments. However, this can be a result of trying to assess the wrong qualities. Measuring the right metrics is the best way to get the most out of employee skill assessments. 

What Skills Should Be Assessed?

82% of organizations use skill assessments in some form, but that doesn’t mean they do it well. When used correctly, employee skills assessments are crucial tools for evaluating and competencies and proficiencies of the workforce. However, some metrics are more important than others, improving both individual employee performance and your business overall.

By assessing these key skills, you can gain valuable insights into employees’ capabilities and development needs. This will ultimately enable them to optimize performance and achieve their business objectives. In both instances, an IT-managed service provider like TenHats can help set you up for success.

Technical Skills

These refer to the specific knowledge and abilities required to perform tasks related to a particular job or industry. Assessments should evaluate employees’ proficiency in using relevant software, equipment, tools, and systems necessary for their roles.

Communication Skills

Effective communication is essential for: 

  • Collaboration 
  • Customer service 
  • Conveying ideas


Assessments should measure employees’ ability to articulate thoughts clearly, listen actively, write professionally, and interact with others respectfully.

Problem-Solving Skills

Employees should demonstrate the ability to: 

  • Analyze complex situations 
  • Identify issues 
  • Develop practical solutions 


Assessments may include scenarios or case studies to evaluate employees’ critical thinking, creativity, and decision-making skills.


Adaptability is crucial in today’s dynamic work environment, so assessments should gauge employees’ willingness to embrace change. This includes their ability to learn new skills, adjust to shifting priorities, and thrive in uncertain situations.

Leadership and Management Skills

Employee skill assessments can benefit employees and leadership alike. For example, assessments should assess their ability to inspire and motivate others, delegate tasks effectively, provide constructive feedback, and resolve conflicts.

Time Management

Assessments should evaluate employees’ ability to: 

  • Prioritize tasks 
  • Meet deadlines 
  • Efficiently manage their workload 


This includes skills such as organization, multitasking, and the ability to work under pressure.

Emotional Intelligence

Employees should possess strong interpersonal skills and self-awareness to navigate social dynamics and manage emotions effectively. Assessments may include questions or simulations to evaluate empathy, self-regulation, and relationship management.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Success in many roles relies on the ability to work effectively as part of a team. Assessments should measure employees’ cooperation, conflict resolution skills, and contribution to group goals.

Where to Host: Your Website or LinkedIn?

The decision between hosting skill assessments on a company’s website or LinkedIn depends on factors such as the company’s goals, target audience, and the level of control and customization desired. Companies may even opt for a combination of both platforms to maximize the benefits and reach of their skill assessment initiatives.

Your Website

Several benefits arise from hosting assessments on your company’s website. It provides a direct and controlled environment where you can customize assessments to align closely with specific needs and objectives. 

  • Customization allows for the creation of assessments tailored to your organization’s industry, culture, and job requirements.


This ensures that the evaluation accurately reflects the skills relevant to the roles within the company.

Furthermore, hosting on your company’s website offers seamless integration with other internal processes such as:

  • Recruitment 
  • Talent management 
  • Employee development 


Results from the assessments can be easily integrated into applicant tracking systems or employee databases. This streamlines decision-making processes related to hiring, promotion, and training.


Utilizing LinkedIn for employee skill assessments leverages the platform’s extensive reach and networking capabilities. It provides a vast pool of professionals and allows for easy sharing and discovery of skill assessments. This can be particularly beneficial if you’re seeking to attract talent or showcase your commitment to skill development and employee growth.

What’s more, LinkedIn’s built-in features such as endorsements and recommendations can enhance the credibility and visibility of individuals’ skills. Providing public validation of their competencies can be advantageous for both employees and employers. That’s because it helps in building personal brands and establishing trustworthiness in the professional community.

Talk to an IT strategy expert today!

Employee skill assessments are essential for businesses, but understanding their advantages and drawbacks is crucial for effective implementation. These assessments customize training, mitigate biases, and boost engagement, but may inadvertently neglect non-technical proficiencies and provoke suspicion. Evaluating targeted metrics such as technical aptitude, communication, and adaptability ensures a comprehensive and unbiased approach.

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Picture of Aaron Sherrill

Aaron Sherrill

Aaron is the Chief Technology Officer at TenHats leading the technology, cybersecurity, and data center teams of our organization. He has 25+ years of IT and security experience spanning across a variety of industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, and software development.

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