Cloud Environment Services

Cloud environment services provide virtualized computing resources for storage, processing, and software applications.

The cloud is increasingly becoming the backbone of businesses and organizations, allowing for easier storage, processing, and management of data. Cloud environment services isolate your applications from the operating system, increasing data accessibility, enhances security, and provides faster recovery in the event of a disaster.

Cloud Environment Services

Data Center Specs

Full Redundancy

All our equipment has a second, independent piece of equipment as a backup. We even use two independent power grids, allowing us to have an A and B side of our data center supported by internal power sources. If the A side falters, the B side can fully take over. This method is how we offer the best service in our region.

Around-The-Clock Support

If you have an issue or question, our team is on call 24/7. Whether it’s tech support or 2:00 a.m. maintenance, we’re always ready to help.

Constant Protection

Physical security is one of the top risks to your data outside of a data center. We’ve equipped the data center at TenHats with industry standard fire, flood, and theft protection security systems.

HIPAA & SOC 2 Security

Because we specialize in healthcare and finance, everyone, from our security guards to our CEO, complies with HIPAA and SOC guidelines.

10,000-foot Purpose-Built Location

Many data centers are built in repurposed buildings. Instead, we built our data center from the ground up. We scrutinized every detail to create the best infrastructure possible.

24x7 Armed Guards

No one can enter our data center or offices without first passing our security team. TenHats’ armed guards monitor the campus at all times to ensure your infrastructure stays safe.

What Are Cloud Environment Services?

The cloud refers to a network of remote servers that store and manage data, applications, and services over the Internet. This allows users to access and utilize them without the need for physical infrastructure or local storage. 

Cloud environment services include the virtual infrastructure required for the online operations of any website or software. Also known as a cloud platform, a cloud service provider (CSP) allows individuals and organizations to take advantage of computing resources such as:

  • Virtual machines
  • Software applications
  • Networking
  • Storage

The best part is that organizations don’t have to build their own on-premise data centers to make it work. By partnering with a CSP, you receive access to the scalability, flexibility, and ease of management that comes with a colocation data center.

What Are the 4 Types of Cloud Computing Services?

Cloud computing is the delivery of IT resources on demand. However, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all form of cloud computing. Instead, different delivery systems have evolved to fit different organizations’ needs. Each type of cloud computing offers its own benefits depending on your needs. This is typically based on the levels of control that they offer, as well as resource allocation and deployment model.

The public cloud is the most common type of cloud computing. It’s especially popular among consumers because it allows for collaboration and scalability at a competitive price. Popular forms of public cloud computing include Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud. In some ways, a public cloud is like renting an apartment. Each tenant has their own private space, but all the tenants share the same building infrastructure.

The e-commerce and retail industries can especially benefit from the public cloud. This is because it meets the basic needs of many companies in a pay-as-you-go format. Users also don’t have to worry about updating software or tools since this is handled by the provider, making it one less thing to worry about. 

While public clouds come with clear benefits, they’re not always the best fit for an organization. This is because they don’t always provide the security and compliance required in certain industries, nor do they allow for the same levels of control and customization. Opting for a private cloud is the better option in cases like these.

Private clouds work for a single organization. They are usually hosted and managed either on-premise or outsourced to a third-party provider. Opting for the latter requires less space to house your cloud infrastructure as well as less staff to keep it operational and up-to-date. This makes it the ideal option for many organizations interested in focusing on daily operations. 

Private clouds offer enhanced features to their users compared to public clouds. This includes:

  • Security
  • Control
  • Customization


A private cloud is an ideal option for businesses and organizations that handle a lot of sensitive data. Information technology in healthcare provides a perfect example. Information technology protects patient privacy, supports future research, and provides more robust security to keep healthcare providers compliant, ensuring patient data is protected.

Hybrid clouds integrate on-premise IT infrastructure with public cloud services. They provide the best of both worlds, enabling you to move data and applications between private and public cloud environments. A hybrid cloud setup allows you to enjoy the advantages of private and public cloud environments while avoiding their limitations. 

For example, an on-premise data center helps you avoid the security and compliance concerns that come with public clouds. Conversely, using a private cloud lets you take advantage of global availability since providers have multiple data centers around the world.

Your industry can impact how beneficial a hybrid cloud would be, as well. Finance and government organizations benefit thanks to the high levels of control that it offers. Both handle private data that must be kept secure in on-prem facilities. On the other hand, public clouds allow them to service their customers and simplify the collaboration process with greater ease.

Where the hybrid cloud model uses a mixture of private and public cloud services, the multi-cloud model takes advantage of multiple public cloud services. This strategy helps organizations meet their objectives and needs by spreading workloads across different platforms, allowing for better optimization. 

With the multi-cloud model, organizations can take advantage of different providers’: 

  • Features
  • Performance 
  • Costs


The multi-cloud model can be especially useful for research and academic organizations. Using different CSPs provides access to a broad range of resources and tools, which can help accelerate their research. Organizations can also work more easily with partners that may prefer a specific cloud provider, making collaboration much easier.

TenHats Data Center
By The Numbers

As the only locally owned enterprise IT firm in Knoxville, Tennessee, our community’s needs drive the decisions we make.


Square Feet


Generator Capacity


Cooling Capacity


Caterpillar Generator


Security Staff

What Are the Benefits of CSPs?

CSPs offer various resources and capabilities as part of their cloud environment services. They help support the development, deployment, and management of your infrastructure and applications in the cloud. Within this virtualized environment, your organization utilizes computing services and resources without any on-premise infrastructure. This leads to greater:

Flexibility and Innovation

Accelerate your application development and integration efforts.
With cloud computing from TenHats, your organization will be able to experiment, innovate, and deploy new applications and services like never before. By developing and testing in a cloud environment, you can reduce the resources and time required to configure your infrastructure.


Scale your resources based on the needs of your business.
Your organization’s needs can change over time. If you’re in the finance industry, you may require more resources as your investments grow. On the other hand, a retail business may require more power during the holiday season. With cloud computing from TenHats, your resources can scale with your business.


Minimize risk for successful cloud computing.
Having a reliable data center minimizes the risk of data loss and service disruptions.

Accessibility and Mobility

Collaborate from anywhere in the world.
Cloud computing allows access to services, applications, and data from anywhere with an internet connection. Access to files and applications from any verified device empowers employees to be more productive and collaborative thanks to a wider range of work options.


We take a proactive approach to cybersecurity.
With cloud environments from TenHats, you receive higher levels of security in the form of advanced encryption, authentication, and access control mechanisms, protecting your data from cyberattacks.


Ensure your data remains safe from the threats natural disasters pose.
Our data center has the unique benefit of being located in Knoxville, TN. Located in the TN Valley, we face low risk of hurricanes, earthquakes, and flooding.

TenHats is more than an information technology vendor. We understand that it takes more than technology to run successful cloud environment services. That’s why we offer comprehensive services, support, and solutions. Not only does this help your organization perform its daily tasks—it provides the edge you need for your organization to reach its full potential.

Are you ready to add cloud environment services to your business?

Send us a message or call us at 865-770-5920 today!