Backup and Disaster Recovery Services

Protect Your Business with Backup and Disaster Recovery from TenHats.

Backup and disaster recovery are two essential elements for managing your data and ensuring business operations continue. A detailed plan can safeguard your information and systems, preventing data loss and downtime when unexpected events or disasters occur. This can range from cyberattacks to hurricanes. Although backup and recovery are both critical aspects of data protection, they contribute to the goal in different ways.

Backup and Disaster Recovery Services

Data Center Specs

Full Redundancy

All our equipment has a second, independent piece of equipment as a backup. We even use two independent power grids, allowing us to have an A and B side of our data center supported by internal power sources. If the A side falters, the B side can fully take over. This method is how we offer the best service in our region.

Around-The-Clock Support

If you have an issue or question, our team is on call 24/7. Whether it’s tech support or 2:00 a.m. maintenance, we’re always ready to help.

Constant Protection

Physical security is one of the top risks to your data outside of a data center. We’ve equipped the data center at TenHats with industry standard fire, flood, and theft protection security systems.

HIPAA & SOC 2 Security

Because we specialize in healthcare and finance, everyone, from our security guards to our CEO, complies with HIPAA and SOC guidelines.

10,000-foot Purpose-Built Location

Many data centers are built in repurposed buildings. Instead, we built our data center from the ground up. We scrutinized every detail to create the best infrastructure possible.

24x7 Armed Guards

No one can enter our data center or offices without first passing our security team. TenHats’ armed guards monitor the campus at all times to ensure your infrastructure stays safe.

How Data Backups Protect Your Business

Backups are copies of mission-critical data, applications, and system configurations. These copies are stored separately from the original data. This helps prevent them from being affected by hardware failure, human error, a ransomware attack, or other unanticipated events. 

Data backups occur at regular intervals. This can occur once a week, once a day, or even once every few minutes. Backups help protect your organization from data loss, corruption, and downtime.

Types of Backups

Backup solutions are crucial for your organization since they allow for fast data recovery. At TenHats, our cloud storage backup solutions allow you to access your data from anywhere in the world. This is important whether you’re experiencing a minor data mishap or a total system failure. Copying data can be accomplished in a number of ways to help ensure business continuity. This includes:

Full backups copy all of your data.

Incremental backups only backup the changes made since the latest backup.

Differential backups create copies of changes since the last full backup.

How Disaster Recovery Protects Your Business

Disaster recovery (DR) is your organization’s comprehensive plan for reimplementing your backups and other strategies following a disruptive event. 

Your disaster recovery plan, or DR plan for short, exists to reduce downtime and the loss of data. This enables your business to resume normal operations in the shortest amount of time possible. 

TenHats is the ideal partner for disaster recovery solutions thanks to our strategic location in Knoxville, TN. The topography shields us from natural disasters while local electricity providers allow us to be more sustainable thanks to solar and hydroelectric power.

You’ll also need to determine a disaster recovery team with the help of an IT provider. The right point people can keep things running smoothly during disasters and provide different perspectives on your operations to better determine what you need. With a business impact analysis, you can find holes in your organization and discover how disruptions would affect your organization.

Strengthen your business impact analysis by establishing a recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO). These determine the:

  • Most time your business can have between a disaster and returning to normal business
  • Highest amount of data your business can lose before being severely impacted.

It’s also important to test your recovery plan. A simulation where your team acts out a disaster recovery scenario can reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the plan so you can refine your ideas further.

Disaster Recovery Strategies

Organizations have a number of disaster recovery strategies to choose from. They include:

Data replication is the real-time or near-real-time duplication of data from one location to another. This ensures that your latest copies are always available for recovery if a disaster occurs.

Failover is the automatic switch to a redundant system or infrastructure when the primary one fails.

High availability is when redundant systems are set up to share workloads with their primary counterparts. This allows one to take over without manual intervention if another fails.

Virtualization is the running of critical systems and applications on virtual machines. These machines can also be quickly moved and restored on different hardware.

TenHats Data Center
By The Numbers

As the only locally owned enterprise IT firm in Knoxville, Tennessee, our community’s needs drive the decisions we make.


Square Feet


Generator Capacity


Cooling Capacity


Caterpillar Generator


Security Staff

What Are the Benefits of Disaster Recovery and Backups?

Backup and disaster recovery are critical parts of your organization’s IT plan. They provide several benefits that protect your data, maintain business continuity, and reduce downtime due to unexpected events.

Peace of Mind

Peace of mind is one of the most important benefits of backups and disaster recovery. You’ll sleep much easier at night knowing that your data has been securely backed up. What’s more, it can be restored at any time, enabling you to focus on the task at hand.

Reduce Downtime

Downtime can occur for a number of reasons including data loss or a disaster. The time required to recover data is crucial during these instances. By having a comprehensive backup and disaster recovery plan in place, you can restore operations quicker and get back on track.

Cost Savings

Creating backups and a recovery plan can cost you time and money on the front end. However, they’re nothing compared to what a disaster will cost you without them. Ensure your organization bounces back from these issues as quickly as possible.

Data Protection

Backups provide data protection by creating copies of important files and data. This helps protect them from software errors, hardware failures, data corruption, or accidental deletion. If data loss does occur, these backups allow you to restore your information.

Business Continuity

Your DR plan ensures that your organization can operate after major disruptions. By having the proper procedures in place, you can easily resume operations and keep downtime to a minimum. This reduces any possible financial losses and maintains customer confidence.

Compliance and Legal Requirements

By having robust backup and disaster recovery systems in place, you can ensure that your business meets these requirements. This helps you avoid any possible legal problems or penalties that you would otherwise incur.

Protect Against Cyberthreats

Cyberthreats such as malware and ransomware attacks are becoming increasingly common. With up-to-date backups, you get clean copies of data that let you restore your systems without having to pay a ransom or lose critical information to cybercriminals.

Data Versioning and Recovery

Having different backups for data means that you have different versions of that data. This is especially helpful if any accidental changes have occurred. With data versioning, you can restore a version of your data from a specific point in time before the corruption or change occurred.

Competitive Advantage

Having a well-designed backup and recovery plan can also be a competitive advantage. This is especially true for industries where business continuity and data availability are essential for maintaining customer loyalty and trust.

Peace of Mind

Rest easy knowing your data has been securely backed up.
Peace of mind is one of the most important benefits of backups and disaster recovery. You’ll sleep much easier at night knowing that your data has been securely backed up. What’s more, it can be restored at any time, enabling you to focus on the task at hand.

Data Protection

Prevent permanent data loss.
Backups provide data protection by creating copies of important files and data. This helps protect them from software errors, hardware failures, data corruption, or accidental deletion. If data loss does occur, these backups allow you to restore your information.

Protection Against Cyber Threats

We take a proactive approach to cybersecurity.
Cyber threats such as malware and ransomware attacks are becoming increasingly common. With up-to-date backups, you get clean copies of data that let you restore your systems without having to pay a ransom or lose critical information to cybercriminals.

Reduce Downtime

Restore operations quickly and get back on track with TenHats.
Downtime can occur for a number of reasons including data loss or a disaster. The time required to recover data is crucial during these instances. By having a comprehensive backup and disaster recovery plan in place, you can restore operations quicker and get back on track.

Business Continuity

Ensure your organization can operate after major disruptions.
Your DR plan ensures that your organization can operate after major disruptions. By having the proper procedures in place, you can easily resume operations and keep downtime to a minimum. This reduces any possible financial losses and maintains customer confidence.

Data Versioning and Recovery

Count on TenHats to protect your data and recover it in the event of a disaster.
Having different backups for data means that you have different versions of that data. This is especially helpful if any accidental changes have occurred. With data versioning, you can restore a version of your data from a specific point in time before the corruption or change occurred.

Cost Savings

Save money by preventing data loss, prolonged downtime, and reputational damage.
Creating backups and a recovery plan can cost you time and money on the front end. However, they’re nothing compared to what a disaster will cost you without them. Ensure your organization bounces back from these issues as quickly as possible.

Compliance and Legal Requirements

We meet the regulatory requirements of your industry.
By having robust backup and disaster recovery systems in place, you can ensure that your business meets these requirements. This helps you avoid any possible legal problems or penalties that you would otherwise incur.

Competitive Advantage

Having a well-designed disaster recovery plan can give you a competitive advantage.
Having a well-designed backup and recovery plan can also be a competitive advantage. This is especially true for industries where business continuity and data availability are essential for maintaining customer loyalty and trust.

At TenHats, we’re more than an IT vendor. We understand that backup and disaster recovery services are a core part of your business. That’s why we provide comprehensive backup and disaster recovery services. Not only will they give you peace of mind, but they will help your organization operate at its highest potential in the event of a disaster.

Are you ready to add disaster recovery services to your business?

Send us a message or call us at 865-770-5920 today!